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The Court for the Camp Lejeune litigation has reappointed the Plaintiffs’ Leadership Group (PLG) for an additional term, keeping Edward Bell on as Lead Counsel. The original one-year appointment was set to expire on July 31, 2024. The Order for Reappointment filed on July 23, 2024, stands until July 31, 2025.
The members appointed to the Plaintiffs’ Leadership Group for Camp Lejeune litigation include:
Lead Counsel
- J. Edward Bell III of Bell Legal Group
Co-Lead & Government Liaison
- Zina Bash, partner at Keller Postman LLC
Co-Lead Counsel
- Elizabeth Cabraser, of Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein, LLP
- Michael Dowling of the Dowling Firm PLLC
- Robin Greenwald of Weitz & Luxenberg, PC
- James A. Roberts III of Lewis & Roberts, PLLC
- Mona Lisa Wallace of Wallace & Graham, PA
Liaison Counsel
- Charles Ellis of Ward & Smith, PA
- Hugh R. Overholt of Ward & Smith, PA
Resolution Committee Member
- Joseph F. Rice of Motley Rice LLC
Other appointments have included two settlement masters and a liaison, a promising sign of progress toward a global resolution.
Members of the Camp Lejeune PLG advocate for those harmed by the contaminated water to get these individuals the recognition they deserve.