Bell Legal Group

Bell Legal Group

FAQs About Camp Lejeune Lawsuits

Marines in dress uniform stand at attention in a row

Many military members reach out to us with questions about Camp Lejeune claims and lawsuits. Read on to get answers to questions about the history of Camp Lejeune’s water contamination, the health problems people are facing, and how veterans and…

Negative Effects of Using Hair Relaxers

Woman combs unruly natural hair style

The dangers of cancer-causing relaxers weren’t fully revealed until recently because manufacturers concealed this information from the public, despite its being known. Women considered scalp irritation and the recurring burning sensation a regularity — something that was just another step…

Are Hair Relaxer Ingredients Dangerous?

African woman with long, shiny, straightened hair

Hair relaxer ingredients are now associated with uterine, endometrial, and ovarian cancer, proving that they are dangerous and put women’s health at risk. While evidence against companies producing toxic hair care products has been growing for several years, the National…

Faulty Medical Devices and Lawsuits

Lady Justice Statuette

This post highlights injuries from faulty medical devices, such as joint replacements, but our law firm’s practice areas aren’t limited to these cases. We assist clients with claims for various other devices, from defective catheters to prosthetics, understanding that each…