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Uterine Cancer and Hair Relaxers
The NIEHS study linked exposure to hair relaxer ingredients to uterine cancer, and researchers believe the connection exists because of how the products are applied. Cream-like hair relaxers are spread over a person’s hair near the roots to straighten new growth. The chemicals must remain on the person’s head for an activation period.
Leaving a potent, toxic relaxer on a person’s head may cause chemical burns on the scalp. These lesions and injuries provide opportunities for the body to absorb the compounds. Maintaining straight hair using chemical relaxers requires frequent touch-ups and reapplications which increase users’ exposure to cancer-causing chemicals.
Filing Lawsuits Against Hair Relaxer Brands
Women with a history of exposure to chemical hair relaxers and who have been diagnosed with uterine, endometrial, or ovarian cancer may be eligible to sue hair relaxer companies. The hair relaxer lawsuit gives these women an opportunity to hold negligent cosmetic companies responsible for manufacturing, selling, distributing, advertising, and promoting toxic products without informing the public that these applications could cause cancer.
The kits were marketed as solutions to make popular, sleek hairstyles easy and accessible for everyone. Straightener packaging and advertising used misleading product names and descriptors that highlighted the benefits of the products, without mentioning the risks.
Toxic Hair Relaxer Brands
Various hair relaxer brands have been named in the lawsuit, and others are added as investigations continue. Some of the most recognizable hair relaxer brands in the lawsuit include:

Litigation Timeline
Additional Cases Added to MDL
More than 200 cases were added at the close of August, bringing the total pending cases to nearly 8,500.
ESI Special Master Appointed
Maura Grossman was named the Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Master to help parties handle discovery disputes.
Cases Exceed 8,000
The total number of pending cases topped 8,000.
Bellwether Trials Scheduled
Two bellwether trails were scheduled for November 2025 and February 2026.
Revlon Added to Lawsuit
Despite filing bankruptcy, the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee filed a claim to name Revlon as a defendant.
Cases Climb Significantly
October 2023 marked a large growth in the MDL, with nearly 4,000 new cases filed, bringing the total number of plaintiffs to almost 6,000.
Short-Form Complaint Approved
An Order was issued approving the Short-Form Complaint, a document in which all plaintiffs will outline the type of hair relaxer(s) used and the injuries that resulted from them.
236 Cases Total in the MDL
Motion filed by the Defendants
Researchers at Boston University School of Public Health have demonstrated a link between the usage of chemical hair straighteners and declines in fertility, and they highlight racial discrepancy indicating Black, Hispanic, and mixed-race people are more likely to use these products and thus potentially to be exposed to their harmful chemicals. The findings were published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
New Study
Researchers at Boston University School of Public Health have demonstrated a link between the usage of chemical hair straighteners and declines in fertility and highlights racial discrepancy indicating Black, Hispanic, and mixed-race people are more likely to use these products and potentially be exposed to their harmful chemicals. The findings were published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Master Complaint
A Master Complaint was submitted to the Court. A Master Complaint is a consolidated document that outlines the common allegations raised in multiple individual lawsuits. Its primary purpose is to streamline the litigation.
Across the Pond Push To Ban Hair Relaxers
Politicians and activist groups in the UK are calling for cosmetic companies to take all hair relaxer products off the shelves.
Direct Filing Order
A new order from the MDL in Chicago in the chemical hair straightener class action lawsuit allows plaintiffs to file directly in the MDL instead of filing in their home state and waiting for the court to transfer the claim.
Revlon Bankruptcy
Revlon has not been pulled into the hair relaxer class action lawsuit as a defendant because Revlon, Inc. filed bankruptcy shortly before the hair relaxer litigation got started. As a result, the automatic bankruptcy stay has protected Revlon from being sued.
First Status Conference
Judge Mary Rowland held the first status conference with all parties in the new hair relaxer class action MDL.
MDL Location Confirmed!
All federal hair relaxer lawsuits will be housed in Illinois after the class action lawsuit was approved by the JPML (Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation).
EPA Announcement
The EPA announced it will add certain chemicals found in hair relaxer products to its list of harmful toxic chemicals.
Class Action Hearing Today
The MDL (Multidistrict Litigation) hearing took place in Miami.
Defendants Oppose any Lawsuit
The Defendants oppose any consolidated MDL, arguing that a class action would “breed inefficiency” because the hair straightener lawsuits share little in common.
A Medical Monitoring Class
A second type of class action was filed requesting the Defendants pay for a medical monitoring program for women who may be at risk from the harms of chemical hair relaxers. It seeks regular medical exams or tests for potential health problems due to exposure to harmful substances.
Class Action Requested
A motion requesting consolidation of all the hair relaxer lawsuits into a new class action MDL was filed. The motion requests that the MDL be assigned to Judge Mary Rowland in the Northern District of Illinois (Chicago).

Negative Effects of Using Hair Relaxers
The dangers of cancer-causing relaxers weren’t fully revealed until recently because manufacturers concealed this information from the public, despite its…

Are Hair Relaxer Ingredients Dangerous?
Hair relaxer ingredients are now associated with uterine, endometrial, and ovarian cancer, proving that they are dangerous and put women’s…

The Controversy With Hair Relaxers: Why Hair Care Packaging Can’t Be Trusted
Uncovering the true ingredients in hair relaxer products revealed a controversy between what manufacturers knowingly sell and what consumers believe…

How To Join the Hair Relaxer Lawsuit
There’s still time for hair relaxer users diagnosed with certain cancers to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of certain…

Developing Uterine Cancer From Chemical Hair Straightening Products
Women with a history of frequently using chemical hair straightening products are more than twice as likely to develop uterine…

The Hair Relaxer Lawsuit, Explained
The hair relaxer lawsuit gives people who have developed cancer from using chemical hair straighteners an avenue to hold the…